Case Study – Daiki Axis

Client’s Marketing Objectives.

Brief To The Agency

Build brand Salience, lead generation, increase engagements on the social platforms, and create Thought Leadership position for the leadership team at Daiki Axis India.

Agency’s insights and recommendations.

e awareness levels were almost low or nil about Daiki Axis India. This was a new category to be built. The product has applications across all segments – institutional, residential and commercial and where there was usage of water. It was a low involvement product and ranked almost at the bottom of the priority list of the target groups. There was no direct benefit that accrued to the users.

The silver lining was the government’s environment policy. It has mandated all manufacturing in the country to install a decentralized waste water treatment plant in their premises. With this mandate, there are some local manufacturers who are addressing this need, but their products lacked quality, and post service support was a big deterrent.

Daiki Axis wastewater treatment plants came with the most trusted technology- ‘Johkasou’. This formed the core of our content strategy.

We adopted multiple content strategies, which had user sensitization towards the water wastage, product feature-benefit campaigns, user testimonials, treatment processes, among others. Lead generation gave us good insights on region wise demand and enquiry. This was aggressively supported by email campaigns.

We actively pursued Facebook, Instagram for building brand salience and market leadership position for Daiki and LinkedIn for top company executives for building Thought leadership and networking.

Search Engine Optimization on leading keywords gave us good fodder for analytics. Traffic and user behaviour on the website helped us reach them efficiently.
